Ajman Chamber Teams Up with ICC UAE for Local and Global Engagement

Ajman Chamber Teams Up with ICC UAE for Local and Global Engagement 

The Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) welcomed a delegation from the International Chamber of Commerce - UAE (ICC UAE) to explore avenues for collaborative efforts and discuss opportunities for enhanced participation by Ajman's business community.

Source: WAM

Discussions centred on the agenda for upcoming local and international events, focusing on potential participation opportunities for the Ajman Chamber and its members. ICC UAE provided insights into several specialised events both locally and globally.

Mohamed Ali Al Janahi, Executive Director of the Member Support Services Sector, stressed that the Ajman Chamber is keen to intensify its participation in specialised events in support of developing a network of renewed global economic relations that supports opportunities for expansion to promote the emirate as an ideal destination for investment.

He highlighted the Chamber's strategic objective of enhancing local, regional, and international presence across various events, enabling a deeper understanding of evolving economic and investment trends, and fostering innovation.

He reiterated the Ajman Chamber's steadfast support for its private sector to access global markets to enable them to expand and increase production.

The meeting, held at the Ajman Chamber headquarters, was attended by Ali Rashid Al Kaitoub, Executive Director of the Studies and Investment Development Sector, Maryam Al Hashemi, Director of the Strategy and Future Department at the Ajman Chamber, and from ICC UAE, Vincent O'Brien, Director, and Habibullah Rizwan, Operations Manager.

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