AUS and Starlink Partner for IT Security Education

AUS and Starlink Partner for IT Security Education 

The College of Engineering (CEN) at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) has joined forces with Starlink, a provider of IT compliance and next-generation threat-driven security solutions. This collaboration is formalized through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).

Operating within the framework of the AUS Engineering Al Nukhba Program, the MOA outlines a collaborative approach between CEN and Starlink. Notably, Starlink commits to providing annual internships to AUS students, enriching their educational journey with hands-on experience essential to meeting graduation requirements. Additionally, both parties will collaborate on overseeing selected capstone and research projects, leveraging their combined expertise to guide students towards impactful research outcomes.

Furthermore, the agreement entails joint research and development initiatives, facilitating the exchange of knowledge in critical areas of expertise deemed beneficial to AUS students. This exchange aims to foster the sharing of insights and best practices.

In line with a commitment to diversity and inclusion, Starlink will also offer mentorship to female AUS engineering students annually, supporting their academic and professional growth.

Dr. Fadi Aloul, Dean of CEN, remarked, "Our partnership with Starlink underscores our commitment to creating a vibrant learning environment where students are equipped to thrive in the rapidly evolving realm of IT security. Starlink, a homegrown UAE enterprise that has achieved global recognition, serves as an inspiring model of innovation and entrepreneurship. Together, we are shaping the future of technology and cultivating a culture of excellence, empowering students with the skills to innovate and lead, inspired by Starlink's journey."

Mahmoud Nimer, President of Starlink, stated, "Nurturing young talent is central to Starlink's talent acquisition strategy. Our aim is to provide them with an optimal environment to kickstart their careers, offering hands-on experience and skill development under the guidance of Starlink mentors who are industry experts. Partnering with CEN at AUS enables us to tap into their pool of talent and benefit from fresh perspectives. This collaboration presents an opportunity for us to collectively enhance the overall educational experience by seamlessly integrating academic and experiential learning."

The AUS Engineering Al Nukhba Program serves as a pivotal conduit between CEN and industry partners, facilitating community engagement, prioritizing student-centered educational approaches, and driving research and innovation in areas of global significance that align with the UAE's innovation agenda.

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