Adopting Financial Processes & Procedures For Strong Financial Management | AD SME

Adopting Financial Processes & Procedures For Strong Financial Management 

Financial Planning

Proper financial management takes more than just knowing how much you have in your business bank account. As a business manager, you need to monitor the financial health of your company and meet your financial obligations in a timely manner.

So what are some financial processes & procedures you can adopt for good financial management?

Proper financial management takes more than just knowing how much you have in your business bank account.

So as a business manager, do you know how to monitor the financial health of your company? And do you have the right financial processes & procedures to meet your financial obligations in a timely manner?

Take the quiz to find out!

True or False? Proper financial management takes more than knowing how much you have in your business bank account.

1 / 7

Setting a realistic budget will:

2 / 7

What are procedures you can take to maintain a good financial health?

3 / 7

What are the two types of accounting methods?

4 / 7

To manage your credit effectively, you should:

5 / 7

True or false? A cash-based recording system records transactions when they occur.

6 / 7

Your Profit & Loss (P&L) reports on (i)_____ while the Balance Sheet helps you understand (ii)_____.

7 / 7


01. Adopting Financial Processes & Procedures for Strong Financial Management
02. Quiz: How Strong is your Financial Management Knowledge?


01. Adopting Financial Processes & Procedures for Strong Financial Management
02. Quiz: How Strong is your Financial Management Knowledge?

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