Course: Why is a Pricing Strategy Important?

Course: Why is a Pricing Strategy Important? 

Pricing your product or service is a very important step for any business.

But beyond the obvious reasons like maintaining competitive pricing, why is it important?


Stick around and let’s find out! Deciding on the right price for your product or service will affect your sales and profit. Is offering the lowest price the solution? Not at all! What you need to do is set the right price that matches the value of your product.


Pricing your product or service is a very important step for any business.


But beyond the obvious reasons like maintaining competitive pricing, why is it important?


Why is a pricing strategy important?

1 / 7

Offering the lowest price for your product is the most effective pricing strategy

2 / 7

What makes a winning pricing strategy?

3 / 7

What is a cost-oriented pricing method?

4 / 7

What are the internal factors that influence your pricing strategy?

5 / 7

What are the external factors that influence your pricing strategy?

6 / 7

What are examples of product differentiation?

7 / 7

In our last video, we defined a pricing strategy as the process of choosing a certain value for your goods or services.


Now, what Pricing Strategy is right for your business? There is no right answer to this: the right pricing strategy depends on your business’s needs.

Setting a price for your product or service should not be only focused on profit but should also take into account several factors such as your brand, identity, and financial stability.


Now that you know which pricing strategy is ideal for your product, it’s time to start planning away! 


Let’s look at the 3 steps you will need to follow to set up your pricing strategy

What are the necessary steps that must be taken when building a pricing strategy?


And what are the different types of pricing strategies? Take this quiz and test your knowledge on these questions!


What is the first step in determining your pricing strategy?

1 / 8

Which pricing strategy initially sets low prices for your products so that you grow your market share, then gradually increase them as your customer base grows?

2 / 8

What is cost-plus pricing?

3 / 8

Which pricing strategy is the reason you charge an odd number such as $19.97 for your product instead of a round number like $20.00?

4 / 8

What is the first step in setting up your pricing strategy?

5 / 8

What should you do once you have set up your framework?

6 / 8

Popular streaming services like Netflix and Hulu offer similar prices for their services. What type of pricing strategy do is this?

7 / 8

When the Dollar Shave Club first launched, it sold grooming razors at a lower price than competitors thanks to opting for a solely online presence, as well as cutting out “middlemen” wholesalers and distributors. What type of pricing strategy did the Dollar Shave Club use in this case?

8 / 8


01. Why is a Pricing Strategy Important?
02. What is a pricing strategy and why is it important?
03. How much do you know about pricing strategies?
04. Factors That Influence Your Pricing Strategy
05. How to Choose your Pricing Strategy
06. How to choose and set up your pricing strategy
07. The process of building a Pricing Strategy
08. Are you Ready to Build a Pricing Strategy?


01. Why is a Pricing Strategy Important?
02. What is a pricing strategy and why is it important?
03. How much do you know about pricing strategies?
04. Factors That Influence Your Pricing Strategy
05. How to Choose your Pricing Strategy
06. How to choose and set up your pricing strategy
07. The process of building a Pricing Strategy
08. Are you Ready to Build a Pricing Strategy?

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