How to create a successful B2B sales process?

How to create a successful B2B sales process? 

Are you ready to plan your B2B sales? Here are the How-to steps on how to create a successful B2B sales process.

Lead Generation:  

The first stage is to identify your customers and create ideal customer profiles and buyer persons that are inspired by your previous customers.  


Nurture your leads:  

Keep your prospects interested and educated about what you can offer and keep checking how you are a good fit.   


Building trust and conducting research

Building trust with your prospects will lead to a committed and successful relationship.  



It is time to pitch and present your product or service. Make sure your presentation focuses on your prospects’ needs and desires, as well as features that will also solve their problems.  


Objection handling

Sympathize: Just like a friend, you need to show them that you understand where they are coming from.  Ask them questions to understand more of their challenges .



It is time to start wrapping things up and close that sale!   At this stage you should not forget to actually ask for the sale!  


Nurturing and growing

You may think it’s all over now, but it’s really just the beginning!  Now it is time to prove to your customers that they have made the right decision.  


Want to see this process in action? In our next video, we look at how Sales force, a global B2B company, kick started their first sales by following the process we explored in this video.  


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