Quiz: are you ready to name your brand? | AD SME

Quiz: are you ready to name your brand? 

Choosing the right brand name can be tricky. A first defining step in a business’ marketing and branding efforts, it can impact the product or the company’s long term journey to success. 

So are you ready to name your brand?

Take the quiz and find out!

Why is choosing a brand name vital to your company?

1 / 6

True or False? Metaphor brand names have no actual meaning.

2 / 6

Popular brand names can include:

3 / 6

True or False? It is important to choose a brand for which you can own legal rights.

4 / 6

In order for your brand name to resonate with the audience, it should:

5 / 6

True or False? Asking the right questions during the process of naming your brand is vital.

6 / 6

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